With Purpose Is Good For Your Spiritual Health

Today I want to talk about spiritual health or wellness and the affect living with purpose has on it. I don’t care what your own spirituality or religion is. We live in a very diverse society and as a result, some of my readers will have different believes than others. Even within a group of people from the same faith or belief system, there are fast differences between individual faiths or spiritual beliefs. In the end, living with purpose and intention is beneficial, no matter what you belief.

Having a purpose is a primal human need. We want to be needed and we need to know that we’re making a difference in order to feel fulfilled, happy, and complete. That’s why living with purpose is so important and why it is good for your overall spiritual health.

The Need To Be Needed

We like to be needed by others. It makes us sad and lonely when we can’t help those around us and make a difference in their lives. Having a purpose and living with purpose allows us to do just that on a regular basis. It fulfills the need to be needed.

The Need To Find Meaning In Life

Another common human desire or need is to find meaning in life. We don’t like to feel like we’re wasting our time here. Living with purpose gives meaning to each day. That in turn makes us feel happier and more fulfilled.

The Need To Have Hope

At the end of the day, even when things seem bad, we need to have hope. Having a purpose means we have a plan and we have something to strive towards. That’s hope there. It is hope that we’ll make a difference, it is hope that things will get better, and it is hope that we can get ourselves out of the hole we find ourselves in.

The Need For Values

We also need values to live a happy and fulfilled life. Our values are like a compass that guides us along the way. If you are a parent, you know how important it is to impart strong values on your children. Without them they feel lost and insecure. That can add a lot of stress and unhappiness. We’re no different as adults. Living our life with purpose by default provides us with a strong set of values to live by.

Living with purpose is good for the mind and spirit. It allows you to live a more fulfilling and happier life and make a difference in the world.

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